Good Bye Irene, CMFD Volunteers Stand-By for Hurricane ...
By CMFD Web Team
August 31, 2011

The Center Moriches Fire Department was on a department wide standby for Hurricane Irene which began 6pm on Saturday August 27 and continued through Sunday August 28.

During that time, the Center Moriches FD responded to a number of calls as Hurricane Irene brought tropical storm-force winds and rain to the area over the weekend. Firefighters also assisted with clearing down trees from the roadway and reporting downed power lines in the community.

While some areas of Center Moriches received minimal damage, other areas especially to the south were hard hit with flooding conditions. At the height of the storm LIPA reported over 4,100 Center Moriches customers lost electric, 250 of them are still without power as of today.

Thanks to all of our department members who volunteered their time this weekend ….

Do you have Pictures (from before, during and after) Hurricane Irene you'd like to share with us ? Please send them to and we will post them up on our Web Page.

Please provide a brief description with each picture.